Autonomous Tech./Error (Windows & Ubuntu)
[Windows] Tensorflow GPU 문제
2019. 12. 30. 01:49
Tensorflow 2에서 자꾸 아래와 같은 오류가 나서 고생 했습니다.
2019-12-30 01:42:43.383561: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library 'cublas64_100.dll'; dlerror: cublas64_100.dll not found
2019-12-30 01:42:43.383761: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] failed to create cublas handle: CUBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR
2019-12-30 01:42:43.384698: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] failed to create cublas handle: CUBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR
2019-12-30 01:42:43.385885: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] failed to create cublas handle: CUBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR
2019-12-30 01:42:43.386065: W tensorflow/stream_executor/] attempting to perform BLAS operation using StreamExecutor without BLAS support
2019-12-30 01:42:43.386224: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/] BaseCollectiveExecutor::StartAbort Internal: Blas GEMV launch failed: m=1, n=4
[[{{node sequential/dense/MatMul}}]]
Function call stack:
찾아보니 GPU할당 문제라서 NVIDIA GPU인 'GPU 1'만 지정하도록 아래와 같이 강제로 해버렸습니다.
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = '1'